Lively church
For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of the body, although they are many, are still one body: so also Christ.
1 Cor, 12
Confirmation is a solemn blessing service in which young people profess their Christian faith. The confirmands confirm their acceptance into the Christian community, which previously took place with baptism, usually in infancy. At the age of 14, the young people are of legal age and thus receive all rights within the Protestant Church. The boys and girls prepare for the confirmation in the confirmation class. Confirmation goes back to the Reformation.

Encounter cafe
Refugees from all over the world also live in Gochsheim. So that they don't live next to us, but with us, so that they can integrate and not stay in a parallel world, we have created a place and a time for meeting in the youth center. We drink coffee and eat homemade cake or an exotic delicacy. Most adults take the opportunity to improve their German skills under the guidance of Klaus Wißmüller and Michael Hartlieb. Children play under the guidance of the educator Refugees from all over the world also live in Gochsheim. So that they don't live next to us, but with us, so that they can integrate and not stay in a parallel world, we have created a place and a time for meeting in the youth center. We drink coffee and eat homemade cake or an exotic delicacy. Most adults take the opportunity to improve their German skills under the guidance of Klaus Wißmüller and Michael Hartlieb. Children play under the guidance of the teacher
Refugees visit our parish
On Friday, February 6th, 2016 refugees from different countries were our guests in St. Michael.
They have been living here with us in Gochsheim for some time, but nobody really knows them.
They look different from us, they speak a different language, they have a different religion and of course they also have different customs and traditions. These are all reasons why we don't really dare to approach or speak to them.
To make matters worse, the latest developments in the crisis countries from which people have fled to us, of course, also give cause for concern and cause prejudices against Muslims and other religions to grow.
And it is precisely for this reason, namely to reduce prejudice and fears towards our new neighbors and to create trust, that we have invited to this evening of encounter.
What was initially planned as a confirmation project was finally opened to all interested parties.
Galina, Mahmut and his wife Sherin, Reza and Kasem told us moving stories of home, fear, resignation, flight and homesickness.
We think: the first ice has broken. Now we are looking for opportunities to better integrate these people into our church life. Anyone who has ideas or specific suggestions can contact the rectory. We are grateful for every suggestion, and the press was also interested in our evening.

Community library

Public library of the Protestant parish
Opening times: Thursday from 3pm to 6pm
currently Due to the restrictions, we kindly ask you to pre-order by phone. We'll explain everything else to them.
The library is located in the youth center of the parish, Schweinfurter Strasse 1, Gochsheim (Gaden)
Tel .: 09721/474561 Mail: buecherei@gochsheim-evangelisch.de
The library is run by community members who do volunteer work. We would like to thank the political community of Gochsheim for their financial support, which enables us to introduce new media into our portfolio.
The library team
Green rooster
In 2010 the parish of St. Michael decided to introduce the green rooster.
This is not a strange animal, but that is what an environmental management system for parishes of the Protestant regional church is called. That means: We want to keep an eye on everything that has to do with the environment and creation in the life of a church community. E.g. power consumption - what can be meaningfully saved? Water - are faucets dripping somewhere? Heating - how can pleasant warmth be achieved in the church and the community rooms - with as little heating energy as possible? and much more

More than 30 young people are now involved in Protestant youth work in Gochsheim. We support the full-time employees in their confi work, plan and conduct confi and youth camps and celebrate 4-5 youth services a year.
Here you can find out everything important about us:
EJ Gochsheim | Youth Gochsheim, youth services, youth camps (evang-jugend-gochsheim.online)