Our services
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church service
Every Sunday at 9:30 am we celebrate church service in our St. Michael's Church. You are cordially invited
Our worship service is a gathering of people with the purpose of coming into contact with God, of having fellowship with him, of making sacrifices, of receiving sacraments or of fulfilling an imposed religious duty.
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Supper with children
As early as 1980 our church council decided to admit children to the Lord's Supper. He followed a recommendation of our regional synod from 1979. Even if the Lord's Supper with children has been practiced in our congregation for a long time, it is still a cause for discussion.
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Children's service
Every Sunday at 9:30 a.m., the children also celebrate their special service. Through our children's worship service, the little ones can experience faith. This also includes our prayers of supplication and thanksgiving at the beginning of the children's service. It is important to us that the children express their personal concerns freely. This type of prayer is very popular with our children.
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Youth service
Your Life, "your worship service to live"
is a service by young people for young people but also for those who are young at heart and who feel young.
Modern music, a message that fits into life, a special atmosphere in the church, prayer ... and always something to eat and drink afterwards.
The team consists largely of members of the Evangelical Youth Gochsheim.
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Lord's Supper
We Christians celebrate the Lord's Supper in our church. Bread and wine are a reminder of Jesus Christ's last supper. On the evening before his crucifixion, Jesus ate with his disciples.
We usually celebrate the Lord's Supper on the first Sunday of the month, and there is also communion on the festive days such as Easter, Christmas ...