Environmental statements
Environmental statement 2012
In 2012, St. Michael Gochsheim introduced the environmental management system for parishes of the Protestant regional church. That means: We want to keep an eye on everything that has to do with the environment and creation in the life of a church community. E.g. power consumption - what can be meaningfully saved? Water - are faucets dripping somewhere? Heating - how can pleasant warmth be achieved in the church and the community rooms - with as little heating energy as possible? and much more
This environmental declaration was developed by the "Grüner Gockel" team and the corresponding measures were then implemented in the parish. Information about these activities can be found by clicking on the left menu bar.
Environmental statement
2012 read
Environmental statement 2016
Since our environmental commitment should be sustainable, the parish faced recertification in May 2016. We are now allowed to carry the “Green Gockel” award for another four years. To this end, the environmental team developed a new environmental program that provides for the preservation of the successes achieved in the energy sector, but also focuses on waste avoidance, species protection and fair trade. You can read about this environmental program and a lot of other interesting information in the 36-page environmental statement that the environmental team has put together.
Environmental statement
Read 2016
Environmental statement 2020
Our environmental management was checked again in 2020. We are allowed to carry the Green Rooster in front of us for another 4 years. Our sustainability was particularly praised in our projects. In the environmental program, we have placed particular emphasis on avoiding waste and informing the community about environmental issues. We also want to continue to monitor our energy consumption closely. You can find this and other interesting information in the attached environmental statement. The environmental team is pleased that you are interested.
Environmental statement
2020 read