Premiere Repair-Café in Schweinfurt on April 18th, 2015

Not a case for bulky waste
Muted, expectant atmosphere in the so-called "Repair Café". Lots of, but by no means loud, conversations, rather shop talk. Work tables surrounded by interested inquisitive people. Now and then audible knocking and drilling in the spacious parish hall of St. Anton.
The old radio from the sixties - better said its owner - still has to be patient, which is not difficult with the coffee and cake offer. There are also readable flyers, such as “Ten tips for saving fuel when driving a car”. As soon as a handicraft table has become free, the lady will be called using her serial number on the registration form. So she does not yet know what is defective in her device. Of course, you could get one for cheap money
Buy a beautiful new radio, but it just hangs on
the nostalgic tube piece. And at the same time it does something
against consumer terror and for its resources
Emmi Sengfelder, the environmental officer of the Evang.-Luth.
Deanery Schweinfurt, has this first Repair-Café-Treff
together with Kristina Schmitt, environmental auditor of
St. Anton, organized. You are really surprised by the rain
Interest. A quarter of an hour before the actual
Opening began the rush. Even from the county
Bad Kissingen and the dean's office in Bamberg are a few
specially traveled after about it in the press
had read. But Sengfelder doesn't just have that
Promotional drum stirred, but also voluntary,
Church environmental groups in Gochsheim, Nieder- and Oberwerrn and Schweinfurt activated and networks established. Experts from Schonungen, Schwebheim and Wipfeld are also present - all of them in very practical ecumenism.
Even Dean Stefan Redelberger drops in to get a live picture in "his" parish hall and to appreciate the excellent organization. Emmi Sengfelder emphasizes: “It's about the matter. We want to be there for other people. In our environmental work, we set a counterpoint against the throw-away mentality in our society. We see ourselves as advocates for the protection of creation. "
Defective coffee machines, toasters, record players, bicycles, naked dolls, slashed teddy bears - all of this should actually be disposed of. But a lot depends on the memory or the wallet is not so full that a replacement can be bought straight away. It is particularly about electrical-mechanical utensils. Cost point? At the exit there is a donation box made of cardboard.
The project has now been running for a good three hours and after more than a hundred "customers", Mr. Brüggemann at the registration desk will now have to impose an admission freeze, otherwise the volunteer repairers would be busy until late in the evening. The waiting time is now up to an hour anyway. In addition, the special tools you have brought with you must be stowed away and the hall cleaned.
The next Repair Café will not open again for six months, on October 10, 2015, in the St. Anton parish hall from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. A bit late for many. Some broken devices should already be disposed of by then. It's a shame, actually.
Second Repair Café on October 10, 2015 in Schweinfurt
The second Schweinfurt Repair Café took place on October 10, 2015, as always with the active support of the "Grüner Gockel" team from our parish in Gochsheim.
Please also read the report on the Evang.-Luth homepage. Deanery Schweinfurt:
Link: https://www.schweinfurt-evangelisch.de/inhalt/45-jahre-alte-hoehensonne-strahlt-wieder
Repair Café on April 16, 2016 in Schweinfurt was again a success
On April 16, the Repair Café of the church environmental groups took place for the third time - as usual in the spacious parish hall of St. Anton. The space was also needed because there were at least 15 experts who - equipped with a wide range of equipment - repaired, instructed and advised.
A visitor sums up the event very nicely in a thank you email:
“... I was helped again at yesterday's Repair Cafe. I also learned why it is better not to change the battery of a wristwatch yourself. The cakes were delicious again. All in all, a successful event that we would also like to have here in Gerolzhofen. I'm already looking forward to October 22nd…. Great praise and a big thank you goes to all organizers, experts and hard-working helpers in the background, without whom such an event would not be possible. The stand of the food rescuers from "Fair-Teiler" was also an excellent idea. In this way, a large number of foods could be saved from being thrown away. "

October 21, 2017: Repair Café in Schweinfurt continues to be in great demand
The Repair Café in Schweinfurt took place for the 6th time on October 21 and enjoyed unbroken popularity. The first "customers" arrived at 9.15 am, but they had to wait until the opening at 10 am. A total of 16 dedicated specialists worked until 2 p.m. to repair the defect. They were often able to help, but unfortunately reached their limits when devices were welded or designed to be difficult to repair. Large parts were also delivered, such as a parasol or - for the first time - a washing machine. Our Repair Café in Schweinfurt is special not only because it is supported by an ecumenical initiative, but also because it has a violin specialist on its team in Thomas Kerzel. The fact that the food rescuers are there and give away food completes the project in terms of waste avoidance.
Anyone who missed this appointment can ask two members of the team for advice and help every Friday during the Vesperkirch in January / February.